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Why should I use Epoxy Grout?
Posted: 9/19/19
When it comes to the installation of that beautiful glass tile, you just purchased, you should take the same care in picking out the proper setting materials as you did in choosing the flooring or wall tile. Why is this so important? The standard adhesive and grout for decades have been a cement-based product. This is the go-to generic product that tile setters have used since the dawn of time. Tile setters are usually reluctant to entertain using a new product. Therefore, you need to be knowledgable regarding setting materials, especially for glass tile.
The issue with cement based adhesive and grout is that it is porous, prone to absorbing moisture, dirt and grime. In short-term it is less expensive than epoxy-based materials but, in the long term, it often costs you more for materials and labour in repairs, re-grouting, replacement and more.
There are minute metallic particles within cement -based grouts that can begin to rust over time and cause unsightly staining and a set-up for failure. Some manufacturers add a microbial ingredient (Nanosilver) that can leach out into water systems and eventually cause the microbial retardant to become ineffective.
These are some of the many reasons why you would want to consider Litokol epoxy-based adhesive and grout systems. Consider some of these important facts, not all epoxies are created equally. Litokol is rated with the lowest toxicity classification even against cement grout. It has no impact on the environment and can be transported by air freight because it is not regulated as "dangerous goods". All other epoxies are corrosives with potential for health hazard. All other epoxies are rated to have environmental risks. All other epoxies must be disposed of in a licensed facility as hazardous waste- both product and containers.
So, if you are well read on the best practices and best materials needed to install your gorgeous tile you will be an educated consumer and your own best advocate while working with the trade professionals. Litokol has excellent technical support and will work with installers to educate and guide them if needed.
To top it all off, Litokol has a broad colour palette including metallic and jewel additives and crystal grout to enhance your glass tile and decorative mosaics.