Thumbnail Filmstrip of Starlike Evo Night Vision Pack Images
GROUT PAIL NOT INCUDED PACKET MUST BE ADDED TO GROUT see compatible grout colors below-purchased separately
Starlike EVO Night Vision Pack
This is a photoluminescent additive, which means that after exposure to natural light, during the night the grout assumes a blueish/ greenish aspect for a few hours, without substantially modifying the original product color.
One Pack per 5.5 Lbs Grout
Night Vision: can be added to the following colors ONLY:
Starlike Evo 110 Grigio Perla
Starlike Evo 115 Grigio Seta
Starlike Evo 120 Grigio Piombo
Starlike Evo 205 Travertino
Starlike Evo 208 Sabbia
Starlike Evo 215 Tortora
Starlike Evo 225 Tabacco
Starlike Evo 310 Azzurro Polvere
Starlike Evo 320 Azzurro Caraibi
Starlike Evo 330 Blu Avio
Starlike Evo 340 Blu Denim
Starlike Evo 350 Blu Zaffiro
Starlike Evo 410 Verde Smeraldo
Starlike Evo 420 Verde Prato
Starlike Evo 430 Verde Pino
Starlike Evo 500 Rosa Ciprio
Starlike Evo 530 Viola Ametista
Starlike Evo 600 Giallo Vaniglia